New York Theatre Workshop


We worked with New York Theater Workshop, for six years, helping them gradually grow and create a permanent home. Upon acquiring a warehouse for their theater we produced a phased development plan beginning with a modest theater with minimal alteration, in order to get NYTW functioning. Later, renovations were made to an adjacent building, purchased by NYTW, for offices and rehearsal studios. The third phase of construction raised the roof of the theater, enhancing the theater’s production capability. A new façade and lobby were created. The theater’s interior design was substantially altered, changing proportion. In 2008 we designed another new building adjacent to the theatre for their Scenery & Costume Shop including a rehearsal studio and additional offices. *Designed by Mitchell Kurtz as Principal at MKAPC


  • Theater Design
  • Renovation
  • Master Planning & Phased Expansion Program
  • Administrative Offices
  • Rehearsal Studios
  • Scenery & Costume Shop


Our work with NYTW, a developmental theater company and part of the 'East 4th Street Cultural District' has aspired to adhere to the theaters mission statement to empower performing artists to explore and create. All designs and phased plans were developed to meet the theater's vision for it's current status as a vital resource within a thriving community.